"Only a life lived for others is worth living. "
–Albert Einstein

At Club Wellness, we want to see these awful disparities end. Club Wellness is a complete, comprehensive Train-the-Trainer program that allows you to provide fitness, nutrition and wellness training and education through a turn-key curriculum uniquely adapted for people with intellectual disabilities, but effective for all. Club Wellness is an easy avenue for promoting inclusion in your organization or school.

Take FIVE Training Seminar for Volunteer Managers
Focused Impactful Volunteer Engagement
Training Seminar for anyone working with volunteers
Focusing on your mission is what drives you, and volunteers can be indispensable assisting in your efforts. Building a successful volunteer program takes more than simply increasing the number of people you have in your volunteer pool.
Attend a half-day Take FIVE Training Seminar and learn the FIVE easy steps necessary for a volunteer program that makes an impact!
Did You Know?
When You Become a Volunteer:
70% of satisfied volunteers become donors.
Those who volunteer give up to 10x more than non-volunteers.
Volunteerism is up and expected to continue rising.
Organizations leveraging volunteers and their skills are more adaptable and sustainable.
Foundations place emphasis on strong volunteer programs when choosing grant recipients.


Sometimes Volunteering Becomes...
1/3 of people volunteering quit due to unfavorable experiences.
1/3 of volunteers who remain report dissatisfaction and end up searching for a new organization and new volunteer experience.
Only 19% of non-profits have staff trained to work with volunteers. ​​​​
It doesn't have to be this way.